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domingo, 5 de septiembre de 2010

BlueBerry ^___^

Well, well, well...Hi everyone! Its me again, after a looong time of no see! XD
I would like to introduce you to BlueBerry =D She's my little pullip Chelsea.
I know she doesnt look like a real Chelsea, but thats because I did her make-up again and drew freckles on her face ( I changed her freckles latettly, cause she had too much. This pic is an old one). Its amazing all the things you can do to dolls...its wonderful *^* I drew her make-up with normal colored pencils and the final resulta (that you'll see later, is great). I also changed her foils ( the paper that the chips of her eyes bring; its shine and ugly -.-) and I got bored of the green of her chips so I removed it and the resulta was a transparent chip-pice of plastic jaja but I drew some new foils for her, to make them look a bit more alive, and I colored them in a green tone, I love the result, I must say *__*
To make the makeup stay on her face and dont go of, I asked a friend if she could lend me a bit of MSC (a kind of transparent matt varnish) and some glossy varnish for her lips ^^ After all that I had to wait until her new wig arrived and the final result is.....(to be continued XD)

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